Personality, Cult of (日本語)



Bown, Matthew C. 1991. The Cult of Personality: The Apotheosis of Stalin, 1945-56. In Art under Stalin. New York: Holmes and Meier.

Chandler, David P. 1999. Brother Number One: A Political Biography of Pol Pot. Boulder, CO: Westview.

Hollander, Paul. 2002. The Cult of Personality in Communist States. In Discontents: Postmodern and Postcommunist. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.

Khrushchev, Nikita S. 1989. O KyЛьTe ЛИЧHOCTИ Иero IIOCЛeДCTBИЯX. И3BeCTИЯ Ц ΠCC 3 (3月).

Overy, Richard J. 1997. The Cult of Personality:

Overy, Richard J. 1997, The Cult of Personality: Stalin and the Legacy of War. In Russia’s War: Blood upon the Snow. New York: TV Books.

Ryan, Louise. 2001. The Cult of Personality: Reassessing Leadership and Suffrage Movements in Britain and Ireland(英国とアイルランドにおけるリーダーシップと選挙運動の再評価)。 In Leadership and Social Movements, ed. Colin Barker, Alan Johnson, and Michael Lavalette, 196-212. In Leadership and Social Movements, ed. Colin Barker, Alan Johnson, and Michael Lavalette, 196-212, in Manchester, U.K.: Manchester University Press.

Rossen Vassilev


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